Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I have been a fan of facebook for quite sometime now. I thoroughly enjoy logging in at the end of the day to see what my friends and family are doing. It is certainly great to find that old friend you left behind at university. I joined opl facebook site a while back and frequently check out the photos that have been added. This time I checked out the Edmonton Public Library and the Brooklyn Museum - got pleasantly lost in the Museum page - loved it.

Monday, March 2, 2009

I told myself that I would not let time get ahead of me on this project but it did and here it is the day before the awards and I am just reporting on how I like the rss feeds. Well, what can I say. I just love it, of course, except that it has added MORE reading to my already overloaded life. Never mind, like the video says I can now pick and choose what I want to read.

I heard a gentlemen interviewed on the cbc program Q concerning the advantage Scholastic books has over other book distributors because they are given permission to market their products directly to children and parents through the school system. They have come under fire by at least one parental group because a large percentage of their products are non-book but simply commercial products. One of the guests was introduced as having a blog. I was quite impressed with him and have been looking for his blog ever since. I couldn't remember his name or his blog - only that it was canadian and book related. While on the google reader last week I noticed that they were making suggestions for websites I could subscribe to and there it was!! Check it out, you'll be glad you did!!